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Instructions and user guides for using 3CX Phone System

What is 3CX and how to access it

Overview 3CX is an open standard, software-based phone system based on the SIP standard. It work...

Understanding the call functions with 3CX

Difficulty Very Easy Estimated Time Starting a call To call, click on the dial pad in the...

How to change your status in 3CX

Overview When we are away form our desk and cant take calls, 3CX gives us the apportunity to tel...

How to make and answer phone calls

Overview This proceedure will teach you how to make calls and how to answer them in detail. Dif...

How to place a caller on hold

Overview This procedure will teach you the steps on how to put a caller on hold.  Difficulty ...

How to transfer a call internally

Overview In this procedure, you will learn how to transfer a call internally.  Difficulty Ve...

How to check voicemails

Overview In this procedure you will learn how to listen to a voicemail a caller leaves.  Diffic...

How to add contacts

Overview In this procedure, you will learn how to add a new contact. Difficulty Very Easy E...

How to dial internal users

Overview This procedure will teach you how to call someone internally.  Difficulty Very Easy...

How to view call history

Overview This procedure will teach you how to view your call history.  Difficulty Very Easy ...

How to manage a call queue

Overview This procedure will teach you how to add and remove people from the call queue. Diffic...

How to record a call and access them

Overview In this procedure, you will learn how to record a call and learn how to listen to a rec...

Troubleshooting - How to Troubleshoot a headset.

Overview This is a guide to troubleshoot issues related to a USB headset not connecting with the...

How to set a holiday message in 3CX

Overview These will allow you to take any audio recording and use it to greet callers while the ...